Clearing Debris is No Problem With These Machines

Clearing Debris is No Problem With These Machines

Can you tell we're heading into Autumn now?
These two Greenmech (left) and Eliet (right) machines recently came in for a service, ready to hit the Autumn & Winter season running, chipping and shredding respectively as the leaves and branches fall from the trees. Both machines are gravity fed and have large capacity's, making it easier to get matter down the shoot. With very reliable Briggs & Honda engines on, they will have the power to deal with the tasks at hand!
We sell, service and repair chippers and shredder, call us on 01225 336812 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to see how we can help you.

Hurley Engines and Grasscare

Unit 7, The Maltings Ind. Est. Brassmill Lane
Bath BA1 3JL

01225 336812


Hurley Engines Ltd